Are you ready...

to Rewrite your love story?

Powerhouse Coaches, Creatives, and Professional women, have you achieved great success in your lives, but find yourself alone with no one to share it with? Or are you craving to reignite the love and spark in your current relationship? Are you ready to embark on a journey of growth, rediscover love, and let down the walls?

It's time to trust your intuition and stop investing time in relationships that lead nowhere.

 If you can attract the relationships you don’t want, then you can magnetize your perfect partner, discover and live in your love language, and elevate your vibration to effortlessly draw in relationships that resonate with your energy. Fall in love with yourself, ensuring that only those who match your high frequency are attracted to you. Say goodbye to attracting what you don't want and welcome a magnetic, fulfilling connection into your life."

If you find yourself attracting the same type of relationship, know that you can magnetize your perfect partner, discover and live in your love language, and elevate your vibration to effortlessly draw in relationships that resonate with your energy. Fall in love with yourself, ensuring that only those who match your high frequency are attracted to you. Say goodbye to attracting what you don't want and welcome a magnetic, fulfilling connection into your life.

Finally, have someone to share your success with.

Have the relationships you dream about by using my unique TRU love program, various packages, 1on 1 sessions, my journal, visionary artwork, and more.

What would it feel like to finally have the relationship you’ve been craving and experience the fulfillment, connection, and joy you've longed for in a partner?

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I was unauthentic and I wore a mask for many years……..

It was never something that improved my relationships, I hid behind the shy girl who didn’t speak up until my healing journey allowed me to face who I was and that I was not being authentic to how I changed and found myself still behaving as my wounded inner child, not asking for what I needed, and accepting less than I deserved kept me captive and under a spell that lasted way too long.

Wearing a mask is a sign you want to protect yourself.

Hiding Your True Personality: Wearing a mask may lead to concealing one's true personality, preventing the genuine self from shining and making it challenging for a potential soulmate to connect with the real person.

1. Inauthentic Interactions: Wearing a mask can result in interactions that lack authenticity, hindering the development of meaningful connections as it becomes difficult for others to truly know and understand the person.

2. Barriers to Vulnerability: Masks can act as barriers to vulnerability, a key component in building deep connections. Without openness, it becomes harder to attract a soul mate who values emotional intimacy and genuine sharing.

3. Communication Breakdown: Wearing a mask may impede effective communication, preventing the expression of true feelings and desires. This communication breakdown can hinder the establishment of a strong emotional bond.

4. Difficulty in Recognizing Compatibility: Wearing a mask may cloud one's ability to recognize true compatibility with a potential soulmate, as the mask can obscure the alignment of values, interests, and long-term goals.


What would it feel like to completely trust yourself?

➡️Do you second guess your instincts, question your choices or find yourself in the same crappy situations over and over?

➡️Do you feel like you're not good enough or don't deserve the things you desire?

➡️Does your life look like you've got it all together from the outside but you still feel like there's a piece missing inside?

Then it's time to take off the mask, be authentic and transform so you can...

✨Get to the root cause of your triggers and blocks and finally heal them.

✨Release & let go of what no longer serves you so you can make space for the things (and people) you truly desire.

✨Realize the high value woman you truly are and unapologetically shine your light.



✨A life where your decisions reflect a profound trust in your choices, as opposed to mere impulse. Picture a daily commitment to balance, self-prioritization through the establishment of robust boundaries you place on yourself, the cultivation of nurturing practices, and only accepting the intentional embrace of individuals and energies that elevate and inspire.

✨Liberate yourself from emotional barriers, triggers and blocks and the lingering wounds of childhood, unveiling the complete, centered, and inherently lovable person that defines your true essence to the core of who you are.

You are Love and you were born to be Loved

Clarity, confidence, self-worth, and inner peace are your natural state of being, when you are fully healed and aligned in your energetic, spiritual, and physical bodies.

Only when you reach this level of deep acceptance of who you are and the gifts you bring to the world, do you unlock your natural ability to magnetize potential partners that see you for the Goddess you are, and are worthy of your devotion. 

Isn't it time you allowed yourself the freedom and flow to step into the best version of yourself so you can finally attract the most authentic and aligned relationships into your life?

You deserve to live a life full of trust - in yourself, in your choices, and in your relationships.  You are already worthy of all the fulfillment and success that this level of trust brings into your life. Are you ready to accept it? 

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I'm Marleece, a Intuitive Energy Healing Practitioner, Speaker, Author, Artist, and Event Producer. I specialize in guiding successful Coaches, Creatives, and Professional Women who, despite having it all together on paper on the outside, on the inside feeling alone, yearn for a partner to share their life with or wish to reignite the spark back in their current relationship. Whether you're seeking a soulmate or looking to enhance your current relationship, I am here to guide you to open your heart, take down the walls, trust your intuition, and grow and love again.

Join me on a transformative journey as we rediscover the essence of love and nurture trust within yourself. Embrace only those relationships that complement your journey, be they new connections or existing ones.

Transformative experiences from happy clients...

" If you are considering a reading with Marleece, I highly recommend it. The things that came through during my reading were spot on and resonated a lot! Since the session, I’ve felt lighter and more optimistic."


" My aura reading with Marleece was very informative. I learned about several of my past lifetimes and it's helped me better understand the patterns in my current life. The sessions are helping me to lean into trusting myself and follow through on the information that comes up. "


" Bravo to Marleece and her graceful spirit…
She guided me in a beautiful experience that was both transformational and filled with so much love and compassion. I have moved a huge energy block that has been running on repeat in the background for decades. I am now ready to receive and call forth my abundant birthright. "


"My session was amazing with Marleece. I didn’t know what to expect. During my shamanic session I felt unexpected emotions which made it a great session. I suffered a head injury about one year ago. I could feel the difference from before to now spiritually and physically as well as feeling more at peace. She was very supportive, patient, and understanding. I will have to schedule another one soon because this session made me feel more grounded as an individual. Overall, it was a great experience."


"I suffered deep grief from the passing of a loved one that passed away 3 years ago. My therapist said I was still in stage 1 of the grieving process. After my shamanic session with Marleece I feel free and I feel that I am no longer drowning in grief, not fighting just to be alive. I feel great happy and free."





Ways to work with me

At Transforming U Healing Services, I guide you to grow, break down the walls and love again.  Rebalancing the energies of the body releases pain, trauma, beliefs, and habits so you can step into your best self and attract fulfilling relationships that keep you there.

Ways I can work with you:

Radiant Heart Sister's Circle (Monthly)

1:1 Guided Readings for Women's Healing & Growth

1:1 Soulful Love Healing: Inner Child, Past Lifetimes and Ancestral Heart Journeys

Packages: Soulful Love Awakening: A 90-day Heart Healing Journey

Tru Love Program - To be announced

All work is done remotely/virtually.

Walking Powerfully in my New Story - 90 day journal


Click here to purchase

Start rediscovering your best self with the help of my 90-day journal for personal transformation.  

 “Walking Powerfully in My New Story” is a 90-day journal that will take you on a transformational journey of self-discovery and growth, as you reclaim your own inner power. .   tailored for women Whether you are seeking a soul mate, envisioning a more fulfilling connection in your relationships, looking to foster a better self-care routine that nourishes your heart and serves your goals, or simply those ready to turn a new chapter in your life and finally experience the confident, charismatic version of yourself, this journal will help you achieve it.

It's time to redirect your goals from the backburner and embrace the powerful, self-aware individual  woman within you so you can create a healthy, vibrant relationship with yourself.

Experience a profound transformation in your life, business, and relationships through this unique guided journaling process, adorned with visionary artwork, daily practices, rituals, reflections, affirmations, and more.

MP Designs Gallery & Boutique

Inspired by the transformation that the butterfly undergoes to find its most radiant self, and my metamorphosis through this journey of self-discovery, I created a collection of artwork to aid in the visualization process of your healing and growth.  If you can see yourself in the art I’ve done my job as an artist.

Available in prints, clothing, stationery, and more so you can tap into your highest self at any time. In addition, I’ve added butterfly jewelry, purses, and other accessories to our online boutique.

Click the button below to browse the collection at MP Designs Gallery & Boutique and get your discount code! Invest in yourself.  Why fly when you can soar!

Ready to Rewrite Your Love Story?

I send sporadic emails packed with value that help you heal, grow, and transform your life.

Sign up below to receive them, and stay updated on events, workshops, and offers that will help you step into the life you desire!